Flaky Indian Parathas (लच्छा पराठा)
If you're new to parathas, consider them the flaky, croissant-like cousin of roti or chapati, pan-fried until crisp. Brilliant with any curry dish.
Parathas are surprisingly easy make, and can be made from the same dough that’s used to make roti or chapati. It’s a simple flour-water dough made without yeast or leavening. What gives this flatbread its body and flakiness is adding layers of melted butter and clever folding of dough, which puff and accentuate when cooked in a hot frying pan. The best part is, it’s a delectable flatbread that can be made in 30 minutes, with plenty to spare. Parathas can be eaten with any curry dish, particularly if it has a thick, rich gravy, but they’re delicious on their own, especially with butter and jam or with Indian chutneys and salads. They’re also very easy to enhance with added flavours in the filling: coconut, garlic, coriander - are just some options. It’s easy crafting, fast cooking and great eating. Let’s go!